This is a very quick update and likely to be added to after we get a better wifi connection.... apologies
We are at Fourques and sometimes at Caumont or even Mas D'Agenais just enjoying visits from Sister Judy and her Niece Claire for a week ending today 6th May 2014. Good times. Good fun. Dave and Evelyn on "Escapade" and Nick and Sally on "Pommes de Mer" are here and lots of new friends have been made and much socialising.
Although we have a Smart phone for emails and phonecalls - so far we are unable to connect the phone to the main computer. We have managed to get Wifi from the Mairie at Fourques, which enables me to write this posting whilst we are here.
A rather nice kitten/ cat with pink ears and feet pads - a tortoishell with a lot of white - has visited us on three separate occasions. We have named her Rose for the time being but she seems happy to go home for most of the day, wherever that is. She is obviously well cared for and seems to love the attention we give her. Love to keep her but.....
Poor old Mange Tout (2CV van) has developed a wonky big end and is, sadly, up for sale to any enthusiast. We can hardly bear to let her go but reckon the time is right whilst we meander towards Montauban for next winter and then off to Brittany for a long time to come. Maybe we'll buy a car there!
Our new telephone number is tel no: 0640733849 tho' the old one is still valid but usually turned off.
Here's a classic photo of Skya and Megatron sent by son Nick
More news later when next connected with wifi - but just a quickie on the Cat (Rosy now called Totty) who chose to visit us - this time, as we were aware before, she had her babies last night (29th May) on board. Clearly premature, all five of them were still born despite my "mid-wifery" efforts. Totty slept well in the Bow in an old towel, after her experience, and came in for food this morning despite having eaten both the remaining dead feotus (i?) and the placenta. Isn't nature wonderful?!!.
Sadly, we have to say goodbye to her once again this afternoon, when we set off for Lagruere where I have been invited to play my piano in front of the Tappas Bar there - from on top of Body and Soul.
I've closed better restaurants than this!!