I have chosen these sites which explain the advantages and disadvantages to the various methods of improving tap water for reasons of good health.
The filtration system that we have on board "Body and Soul" includes a series of three micron filters down to 5 microns as well as a large carbon filter; but it is not designed to purify the water that is passed through it. It filters all particulates out and it removes most chemicals and heavy metals and therefore renders any water passed through it to be good enough for most domestic purposes, other than for drinking.
We use the system for two distinct purposes:
- Firstly, we filter ordinary tap water when available (ie already passed by the local authority as "Potable") to improve its taste and for other health benefits.This water is for drinking only and is kept strictly in a separate 25 *-litre tank and also in clear glass bottles in our fridge. It will last us for two weeks at least. It is delicious.
Secondly, when we are on the move and when tap water is less often available, we filter canal water (by way of an emersible pump thrown over the side) through the filters and into our main tank (800 litres). This water is perfectly clean enough for all other domestic purposes such as washing clothes, washing and showering and toilet flushing - all of which are connected through our plumbing system from the main tank. (in fact, drinking it would probably be fine but, safety comes first! There could still be unpleasant bacteria present. See purifying water)