Who needs an opposition party when we've got the BBC and Sky? (ed)
From Skerritt...
Well done that man, he stuck to his guns and delivered a deal.
Doubtless all the whingers, groaners and remoaners will continue to deride or quietly whither away, but l and the many thinking voters are very grateful he came along.
How nice to have a Prime Minister with guts and a sense of humour to boot !
Interesting how the corrupt bias media (Sky,BBC) have reacted to the deal on Brexit isn’t it?
All over it in the last couple of years when it appeared there may be difficulties for the government, focusing on the pathetic antics of the remoaners and the ridiculous climate creeps outside parliament during the debates.
Then, when those both for and against the argument over the last three years are clamoring for details and information on the final deal....Hardly anything !
Celebrations, congratulations, a pat on the back or even some decent journalistic investigating and questioning on the details of the deal...
No, pretty much silence and the dropping of any headlines that might be construed as being positive for the Prime Minister, the government and the country as a whole.
No wonder people are even more depressed in the current crisis, they are constantly being fed by the media a diet of doom and gloom and how everything is being botched in every direction. All manipulated by people with a political agenda that simply does not want to see or portray anything positive for this government.
I say these things not because l am in any way a ‘true blue Conservative’ l assure you, l am just sick to death of this manipulation by the media as a whole, where it has been infiltrated and subtly twisted by devious, political people within it.