The adventures of 'Tenderly', our new 'Zodiac' dingy
Friends Rob and Karo, who have just moved from their family house of many years,
emptied their garage loft, to find amongst other things, a very small 'blow up' dingy -
belonging jointly to one of their friends but hardly used and seemingly unwanted.
We were delighted to have such a generous gift and she (it?) is now part of the
family – fully afloat and already hanging off our stern – ready to use.
As a tender it is probably the smallest size on the market but can be easily launched
or beached by a single person. The seat plank, however, when in place, makes it
impossible to paddle for anyone greater than a small child as I was soon to discover.
As for boarding two adults of our size...not so good.
By removing the seat plank, the first problem is solved but we have yet to try getting
Lucie on board too. There is a future tale to be told no doubt. Maybe the oarsman
should get in first and sit on the floor in the bow, with legs underneath the wooden
seat - then maybe the passenger should get in and sit on the seat....more later...
that is silly, then the oarsman can't row.!!